The Gilbert & George Centre is committed to the widest possible access to the artworks which it houses, conserves, and displays. The artworks are held for everyone regardless of education, income, residence, or personal circumstances.

The Gilbert & George Centre is committed to access for all.

As a service provider and equal opportunities employer, The Gilbert & George Centre complies with the Equalities Act 2010.

Buildings and associated services

The Gilbert & George Centre seeks to provide all visitors with access to the building, making alternative provision where required.

Some of the facilities we provide include:

– The main entrance to the reception area and to the film room has ground-level access.

– There is a lift between all floors.

– Assistance dogs are welcome.

– Each gallery space has public seating.

– We have an accessible toilet and a baby changing room located on the lower floor of the building. All are toilets are unisex.

If you have any questions about your visit, please contact us by telephone +44 (0)207 477 2484 or by emailing [email protected]

Safety in the building

The Gilbert & George Centre takes account of the needs of all visitors in all our safety procedures. Staff are trained in responding to emergencies, including fire safety and and first aid incidents.

Information and signage

The Gilbert & George Centre aims to provide information in forms that are accessible to all visitors.

Digital access

We provide digital access on and offsite through our website, social media channels, and Wi-Fi in The Gilbert & George Centre.

The Gilbert & George Centre reviews digital access regularly. Audience requirements are determined through research, testing, and feedback. We have designed the website to standards that make it easy for our audiences to get the information they need.

Employment and training

The Gilbert & George Centre ensures that its employment practices do not discriminate against people with disabilities and maintains a system for monitoring and reviewing procedures.

Equality and diversity awareness forms an integral part of induction training for all new staff in visitor facing roles.

The Gilbert & George Centre’s Management Group meets regularly to discuss improvements and to agree upon recommendations. Recommendations from the Group are approved by and implemented by the Trustees.